Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Day 123 - official weight 172 - 35.2 pounds lost

So I wore my lighter than a feather silk skirt and a lacy tank top today, on purpose so my clothes wouldn't weigh down my weigh in. And VIOLA!

172 officially on the LA WL scale.

35.2 pounds off my 5'5'' body in 123 days.

My 19 month old son weighs 29.2 pounds (I know this because he likes to stand on my scale when I get ready for work in the morning).

I have lost more than my son weighs.

My 6 year old daughter weighs about 50 pounds.

By the time I reach goal, I'll have lost what she weighs plus 12 pounds. I'll have lost a 6 year old and a 6 month old, off my body.

This, simply amazes me. Okay, so I've not lost Half of Me like Pasta Queen and I'm not climbing mountains like Diet Girl. But I am doing it. And it's not been a small task. 35.2 pounds is a lot of fat. As they used to say in my Weight Watchers days, that's 140 sticks of butter. Ewwww.

It has taken me 12 years to get to the point that I am ready to strip the fat from my body and my head. I understand it's gonna take longer to lose the Fat Head thinking. That the Body will lose and the Head will follow; that is, the head will follow if weight loss maintenance is expected.

I wish there were a scale to weigh my head and tell me how much fat I still have to lose there.


ws said...

that's awesome - getting rid of "fat thinking" seems to be a difficult task for a lot of people. But, hopefully, once the mind catches up with the body everything falls into place.

Lori G. said...

Laura, that's awesome -- I'm so proud of you. You're going to make it. You've always inspired me like when you were running back when we were all on amazon blogs. That WAS my goal to do a marathon (even if it meant walking) and it was because of you.

I don't think there's a scale big enough to weigh our mental fatness, sadly. But we'll get there.