Monday, August 15, 2011

Sunday - Day Off (176.2)

So yesterday I took a day off from my whole foods eating plan.  I don't know if it was hormones, rebellion, laziness, an experiment, or what, but when we were at lunch after church, I decided I wanted a mojito and fish tacos.  Of the three fish tacos, I ate one tortilla and the insides of the other two, and had sweet potato chips on the side.  The mojito was wonderful--I haven't had an adult beverage in months. 

It set off the rest of the day to be a "fun food" day.  I had some cookies after lunch, some homemade caramel popcorn, and later some ice cream with the kids.  I napped briefly after reading a book in bed.  It was a lazy day for all of us.

But, I felt like crap all day.  I could tell my body was processing the sugar and didn't like it.  I was a tad grouchy in the late afternoon.  I had cravings for more. 

It was weird being back "in the food."  Last night I realized I do not want to do that again.  This morning I had no problem getting back to my usual breakfast.  It will be interesting to see if I have any residual cravings today.  I expected the weight uptick; my fingers were very swollen this morning and I could barely get my rings off. 

I don't see yesterday as some moral failure or anything to get bent out of shape about.  Like I said, I don't know exactly what triggered it, but I'm taking a lesson from it that I hope I remember for a long time.  A full day of processed food is a bad idea if I want to feel good.

I still have the cough.  It is still wearing me out.  Several people have had the same thing, and it can go on for a month or more, so I guess I'm half way through it. 

I took a free weights class on Saturday morning.  It was awesome.  I was sore yesterday and pretty sore today, too.  I'm planning to run after work today, since the weather is still so nice. 

I am feeling more and more like this extra fat on my body is not me.  I just want it gone.  I know I have to do more exercise to get the body I want, which is the reason for the free weights class.  I also am planning to start doing yoga DVD's at home.  I got a new one that the yoga instructors at our hot yoga studio said is similar to the classes they teach, with the same poses that move through a 60 minute sequence.  I got it Saturday from Amazon and can't wait to try it out. 

1 comment:

Vickie said...

I think I have told you before - those of us who see the fat as a foreign object (for lack of a better way of putting it), seem to do better in the long run.

Those whose identity is firmly planted in the fat have a tough, tough time (in my opinion).

They seem to fight themselves all the way (self sabotage) and then goal, if they get there, feels very foreign. They do not seem to feel like their true self in a thin-ish body.

I think this all calls for the need to be slow and steady.

Sabotage is hard on the body (as you wrote) and also hard on the emotions.

It is easy to loose focus and get confused.