Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Day 265 - 152.4

So that 3 pound gain is gone, thank goodness. I've had a couple of good food days, with just a smidge of running (only 1.6 miles on the treadmill Monday while Sophie had swim lessons, and nothing yesterday). Yesterday was nuts, and while it was a good nuts (new clients!) it threw my afternoon running routine off. Oh well, such is life.

Today is Luke's 2 year doctor check up, and he gets shots but at least I get to find out what percentile his height and weight are. For some weird reason I like knowing where the kids fit in with the rest of the Western World. Luke, for example, was in the 10th percentile for height and 90th for weight when he was 4 months old. His height caught up to 50th at 18 months; his weight was (I think) 75th. Since he's still mostly wearing 18 month pants I'm guessing he's still on the small end.

The steroids Sophie was on must have caused her to grow, because all of the sudden none of her clothes fit. She's 6 and a half, so you'd think she'd still be in 6x clothes, right? Well, none of her jeans fit, her shirts are all too small, and she tried on size 7s from Target last night and they were still too small. It looks like she's skipping 7 all together and going straight to 8s. Both the kids got new shoes a couple months ago, and I bet you anything we'll be getting new ones again next month.

I plan to take the kids to the gym day care this afternoon after Luke's appointment so I can get in a run. Hopefully I can do the weights class again at 5:30, too. Lately it seems my plans are getting out of whack, so I'm keeping them fluid and will just do the best I can.


Marcy said...

LOL!! You aren't the only one! I like to know also (about the percentiles) even though I know it's just a loose tool. It's still cool to find out ;-)

Jess said...

I never quite know what that percentile business means. Does the 10th percentile mean he's in the top 10th or bottom 10th?

P.O.M. said...

Adios to those stupid 3 lbs. And they are NOT invited back. hee hee.

ws said...

I remember those days of getting new I have an apartment and a closet full of sneakers all worn out to different degrees.

Lori G. said...

I have to say, I never understood the percentiles either.

But I'm glad the 3 pounds are gone -- I think they traveled to Virginia....

Grumpy Chair said...

Glad your water weight is outta here.

I always know when Fang Jr. is going to need new shoes, because he starts eating a bunch and is always hungry. Surprise a growth spurt.

There have been studies that prove kids grow overnight.

Vickie said...

Our kids' shoe store gives you free shoes if your kids outgrow within a certain time frame - can't remember if it is 1 month, 2 months, 3 months or what. That has only happened to me with one kid - I think it was the youngest.