Wednesday, February 04, 2009


Quick update today because we're swamped at work.

Today's weight was 154.6. The past 2 days have been decent, food wise. And I did the 30 Day Shred video last night! I really liked it--a tough workout in 20 minutes.

It's supposed to be in the 60s by the weekend. I am so looking forward to running again.

(sorry this wasn't here earlier, Vickie!)

TBL fans--were you happy to see Joelle go? I have really mixed feelings about her. I'll have to write more on that when I have some time.


Anonymous said...

So glad you are feeling better! I actually really like the 30DS, tough but quick!

I'm slowly getting sucked into TBL...I didn't want to, but I can feel it's grip tightening around my remote control!

Been watching Idol????

Vickie said...

you are supposed to put
in your title. . .

Anonymous said...

Glad you are starting to feel better and get back to exercising!

Vickie said...

Okay - I watched - so you are safe now. I told the youngest that you accidentally told me who went home before we all watched (the girls and I are watching together this time - so we watch on Wednesday because the youngest has to go to bed too early to watch on Tues.) and the youngest said - doesn't she know about spoiler alerts? How a 11 year old knows about spoiler alerts - I have NO idea.

Our (girls and I) take:
When Carla went home on the first show - we were SO relieved. She was ALL talk and no action. So much talk that we couldn't stand her. If you rewatch the first show - the difference in her was remarkable.

I think she found focus specifically because Joelle didn't. I think that if Joelle hadn't kept her disconnected/lottery thinking ways - then Carla would have been the Joelle.

I think that a part of Carla also enjoyed being a bit of a martyr on her way out - I think she relished being the one that worked hard and the one that everyone loved.

But again, I do not believe Carla would have risen to the challenge if it Joelle hadn't been stuck in her own little 'magic will happen' world.

As for Joelle - I totally believe that she thought she did work hard. She is a very good/clear example of lottery thinking and disconnected thinking.

It is interesting that the other players did not appear to see this - she was still where they probably were at home. My guess is that Joelle will not return for the finale.

Last week - the middle child said that David wanted to go home so he could smoke and eat fried chicken - and that sums it up very nicely. His disconnect was very clear too.

Other things that we have noticed - in several seasons now - there have been mother/daughter teams where the mothers had hair styles/colors just like their daughters - and really the mom's hairstyles were inappropriate for their ages. But by the end - they have good cuts/colors that are appropriate for their ages/life. The middle child is the one that always picks up on that one.

And with the climbing over the bar to unwind the rope - the bars should have been at different heights based on the couple's heights - it was not fair that the short girls had the same height as the big guys. We have noticed this with other things.

And - it kills us that they are all barefoot on the same scales - we have 'caught' things from pool bathroom/shower floors over the years and really learned our lessons.

Anonymous said...

Wow, insights to TBL with Vickie--fascinating!

And I was glad to see Joelle go. She drove me nuts with all that pseudo-psycho-motivational-self-affirmation talk. I'm glad for Vickie's insights. Now I don't fee so bad for Carla.

And, I'm glad to be hearing from you again, Laura!