Saturday, December 03, 2011

20 pounds

Today I weighed 166.8, which is 20 pounds lost from my high this year.

My mom saw me this morning when she brought the kids home and her jaw dropped. You're so thin, she said. How'd that happen all of the sudden?

I said it didn't happen all of a sudden. I've been working on it since July. It's just now showing. It takes 20 pounds for anyone else to notice.

It was not an encouraging reaction from her. At least I didn't take it that way. Which is no surprise. I am processing how I react to that type of reaction. Right now I'm working on making it a neutral response.

It is what it is. I do not have to internalize it negatively. I can go about my day in a healthy way and let any weird feelings go on their way. They do not need to stick around in my head.

Busy but fun day planned with our family, just the four of us. Putting up the Tree. Watching Christmas movies. Drinking hot chocolate. Running 5 miles this afternoon. Well, I'm running. The kids aren't.

And playing with my new iPhone. Bye bye blackberry!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


Vickie said...

you wrote:
I really FELT my extra 20 pounds this weekend.

then you mentioned you are at the 20 lbs lost mark. so do you have 40 lbs total (half way done?) to lose?

My guess is - based on former scale story - that you really just can't talk about weight with your mother. (so be careful not to give her the impression it is an okay topic, nip it in the bud).

and what you said :
I said it didn't happen all of a sudden. I've been working on it since July. It's just now showing. It takes 20 pounds for anyone else to notice.

sounded perfect to me.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog a little while ago and love reading it! There are many similarities in our lives. Among others, I lost 50 pounds in 2008, but have regained 15 pounds over the last year. I am now trying hard to re-learn my good eating habits and started working out (at home) every morning. Thank you so much for sharing your story and struggles, successes and joys.

Vickie said...
