I'm sitting in the sunshine this morning, outside in my front yard.
Our dog barks at me from inside the house (jealous) when I sit in the backyard on the deck.
She can't go into the backyard even though it's fenced because she is a killer of bunnies. And we are over run with bunnies.
Also because there is a gap under our deck that she can wiggle under and the bunnies have nested under there. Sigh. Wildlife. My mom has stone blocks we are going to place around the deck openings to keep Belle out (with room for the bunnies to roam) but we haven't had time to do that project yet bc of Covid.
Anyway, last week I moved two of my fancy plastic Adirondack chairs to the front door area. We don't have a porch, there's just enough room next to the picture window for the chairs. The window is North facing and tucked away a bit, so this morning when I woke up I got my coffee and pulled the chair out onto the walk into the sunshine.
I've sat here for an hour writing and then reading Vickie's blog and now writing this.
This reading and writing has mostly happened because I deleted the Facebook app from my phone. I was off FB for a long time. Then back on it the past few months. Now I'm done again.
There will be things I'll miss like friends' kids pictures and cute videos. But those don't outweigh the bad. I'm not equipped to deal with what is happening on FB anymore.
And I will take ownership that it's my problem. I just can't deal. There's too much information and too much negativity and too much positivity.
Since I'm an input junkie I have to find other outlets (and I don't follow enough people on Instagram yet, lol).
I already do books on tape—love Audible. And I read on my Kindle. I'll survive, ha. Yesterday was my first FB free day and I was 100% happier.
My first reaction was - can I borrow your dog for a few days? Please?
(But then I guess the clean up would not be good.)
Neighbor across the street was trying to find a guy on our street willing to do in a nest full, no takers.
My husband says he can trap (chipmunks and mice) only. He has six traps going and keeps count. His 2 1/2 year total is over 100 chipmunks. We had hundreds of dollars damage to a car and that was IT.
There are several of us that garden a lot, and the bunnies are a real annoyance. They eat SO MUCH. If they ate weeds, I would build houses for them.
I only use Facebook for the marketplace. Which is a great asset for me. And occasionally to look up businesses’ information. But I can imagine.
I had a hard time going out at first. Even to go sit in a chair. The street behind me is way too social (I have full view out my kitchen window) and after being IN for a couple months, it was hard. Luckily flower beds call. And I want to get as much done as I can before it gets permanently humid.
Very glad you are writing, maybe it will rub off on Jill.
Yeah Audible! I listen a lot. And I have a few podcasts I follow. My earbuds make a huge difference in my life.
Hey girl!! I have seriously been thinking of giving up FB...or at least severely limiting my time on there. I'm like you, I just can't deal with everything right now.
My cat has been leaving us "gifts" on the front porch. We've opened the door to dead mice, birds, and rabbits - occasionally they are decapitated, which is a lovely thing to encounter first thing in the morning! He's such a lazy fatass, I don't know where he gets the energy to be such a killer.
I love that you are writing. I miss the old blogging community so bad! I just don't feel like I have very much to say anymore. I mean, I probably do have something to say, but I just can't seem to get motivated to blog anymore. I keep thinking I'd like to find some kind of outlet for my thoughts but nothing appealing comes to mind.
Love and hugs to you Sister.
How goes the college decisions?
I hope things are going well.
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