Monday, August 18, 2008

154.2 - Monday Recap (because I can't think of a better title)

The weekend was one of those "a body at rest stays at rest" type of weekends. I pretty much did a lot of nothing, which was good and not so good.

Good, because we weren't planned-to-the-max and I got to spend some quality time with kids (unfortunately not so much with DH-- he is busy busy busy). Sophie and I even did a pilates DVD and part of a yoga DVD together, at her request!

Not so good, because I ate like mad (hence the nice uptick in my weight today). I didn't feel any shame (ala Friday's post), but I felt lots of other yucky things--bloated, lethargic, pimply (does anyone else's skin get yucky after junk food blow outs?), and fat. And I didn't run or workout a lick. Even skipped my long training run (7 miles), which is b.a.d. But, oh well. Moving on.

Today wasn't much better on the yucky feelings front. It seems the older I get the longer my mid-cycle hormone dips/depressions/blahs get. This bout lasted a solid 4 days. After work today, I made myself get changed into my running clothes. The last thing I wanted to do was run, but the thing I needed most was a good workout after doing nothing all weekend. Alas, it was not to be. I'd forgotten to pack my socks and so there was no running.

I had plenty of time to drive home and get my socks and then go running, but I just didn't have it in me. So instead I went to Target and got my household shopping done. It's so nice to shop without kids asking over and over "Mommy, can I have ______." (Oh yeah, and I almost forgot to mention that I was so in need of a fix that I did something I haven't in a long time. I got a Dairy Queen chocolate dipped ice cream cone. It hurt so good.)

That errand out of the way, I then headed over to pick up Luke & Sophie at 5 p.m., when Luke's day care called and said he had a 101* fever. Oh joy. This was just getting better and better. I picked him up and then got Sophie, got home and called the doctor for an after hours appointment.

At 6:30 we saw Luke's pediatrician, who said he'd seen 5 other sore throats today. Thankfully, Luke's strep test came back negative, but he still has to be out of day care until he's fever free for 24 hours, which means I'm home from work tomorrow (sounds great, but we're slammed and I really can't afford a day off right now).

I was just overwhelmed at this point, even though Luke was being a real champ and the tylenol had made him over into his usual happy go lucky self, and I drove over to Sonic for yet another hit. This time it was root beer and fried cheese sticks. I know, I know. I have a death wish today, apparently.

As it turned out, DH wasn't feeling well either so when I got home he was asleep and I got the kids ready for bed by myself. Finally at 9 p.m. they were both asleep and suddenly out of nowhere I got yet another urge to satisfy a craving.

But this time, it was to go running. And some how--by the grace of God--it was an absolutely amazing run. The evening air had cooled off, the moon was full and rising, and my neighborhood streets were virtually empty. After mile 1 I took of my shirt and ran in my sport bras. I felt strong. Invincible. Like a runner. It rocked.

4.01 miles in 41:32. Avg pace = 10:22
The splits follow, which I am oh so proud of, as only a back of the packer can be:
mile 1 - 10:51
mile 2 - 10:27
mile 3 - 9:49
mile 4 - 10:24

The .01 was 8:33. I finished strong. With runs like this, I'm working my way up to being a middle of the pack runner. Woohoo!

After an afternoon of disappointments and questionable choices, I'm thankful that the evening ended with a tired, strong body, a relaxing bath, a family that is sleeping soundly, and a chance to share it all with you.

Random TV stuff: Any other Jon & Kate Plus 8 fans out there? Lori, I know you watch it. The past few episodes I've been surprised at how unhappy the two of them seem. You'd think they'd (well, Kate) would make an effort to be nice to each other in the interview chair. And Jon seems like he's just given up. I hope we aren't witnessing the unraveling of this family. I much prefer the happy family stuff. A little strife is OK--I don't expect perfection in any family, especially one that large with a mom who's completely OCD. But geez, I won't continue to watch the unhappiness much longer.

And, I must express my excitement at another TV event with two words: FOOT BALL!


Vickie said...

I haven't been able to watch Kate in quite a while. Even my kids now say they can barely take it - she is struggling so badly. I think that a big part of what bothers me is that because all the kids are so close in age (together in a pack) - she doesn't have a waffle kid - a kid to learn on - and then apply to the rest of the kids.

I had this same thing happen to me with Little People/big world - only it was the Dad - I watched a few episodes and then could not watch the dad NOT improving - those are another set of kids that i am not at all sure how they will turn out in the end.

If kate (or the dad) were AWARE and WORKING ON IT - I could watch - but can't watch personality disorders - week after week - the same.

Vickie said...

And yes I see OCD in her - but mostly what I see is ANXIETY.

Anonymous said...

I am gonna use your sentence when I fall into bed just WIPED and am not appreciative---I love the tiredstrongbody sentence.

and J&K Plus 8? I think Im the last one on earth not watching.


gilesdm said...

Nice post, good read.


Anonymous said...

Death by Rootbeer and cheesesticks? I can't think of a better way to go!!

Sorry about the kiddo being sick - I have saved up my vacation days just for that reason. =(

I am so jealous of your evening run! Not just for the awesome run, but because you had some time to yourself, and you grabbed the chance to do something good for yourself.

I haven't watched Jon&Kate. I've always intended to, I just never have the time. =(

Have a good day girl!!

Marcy said...

Ooohhhh a trip to Target in place of running is always a good thing in my book ;-)

Anonymous said...

{{{HUGS}}} for the sick kiddos. Days like that just kill me. But YAY! for the good run.

I hear you on the mid-cycle stuff. I get down, stuff my face with crap, and break out like a teenager. Then, two weeks later, I do it all again as PMS. Gosh, getting older is so much fun. I liked it much better when mid-cycle meant feeling horny. LOL

Lori G. said...

I haven't watched Jon & Kate in a while (BF can't stand it -- too much

I think she does have OCD and she is anxious. He is now self-employed and around all the time (from what I've gathered). The fact that the babies aren't babies anymore may make her sad or make her job harder, I'm not sure. I always liked how they did sort of argue with each other; it wasn't sugarcoated, that's for sure. Now I'm curious what's going on.

Listen, you had a bad week but at least hopefully you enjoyed everything that you did have. Go and sin no more, my child. :-)

Lori G. said...

I haven't watched Jon & Kate in a while (BF can't stand it -- too much

I think she does have OCD and she is anxious. He is now self-employed and around all the time (from what I've gathered). The fact that the babies aren't babies anymore may make her sad or make her job harder, I'm not sure. I always liked how they did sort of argue with each other; it wasn't sugarcoated, that's for sure. Now I'm curious what's going on.

Listen, you had a bad week but at least hopefully you enjoyed everything that you did have. Go and sin no more, my child. :-)

Anonymous said...

WHAT A DAY! I got a kick out of your title, because all day yesterday I thought I should post, but didn't really have anything in particular to say, and I thought about 'Monday, Monday,' 'Just another manic Monday,' or Rainy days and mondays, but really I just didn't feel like talking/writing.

Anyways, what a glorious end to a kind of discouraging time! I love hearing about your running. It really motivates me to exercise more!

Grumpy Chair said...

Your run was "the cherry on top" that evening. Great way to end an other wise stressed out day.

I have tried in the past to watch Jon and Kate but she seemed so grouchy that I couldn't stand watching it.