Saturday, June 07, 2008

Free t-shirt = motivation

So apparently all it takes to get me to the gym on a Saturday morning at 9 a.m. is the lure of a free t-shirt.

My gym has a promotion this summer of "do 16 Group Power classes in 60 days and get a free sleeveless GP t-shirt." I've been trying for the past month or so to get 2 weights classes in a week, but have only managed 1 a week. But with this carrot dangled in front of me, I made it twice. And if I can keep up the twice a week routine, then I'll have some nicely shaped arms to show off in that sleeveless tee.

I was still pretty sore yesterday from Wednesday's class, but I made myself hit the treadmill anyway. I did an easy 4.4 miles--walked 1 mile, then ran 2, then walked 1.4, for a total of 60 minutes. It's way to hot already to run outside in the afternoon, and I predict I'll be doing a lot of indoor workouts for a while.

Yesterday's weight was 155.4, but I didn't even bother weighing this morning because first I had corn chips & salsa at my sister's, then I had pizza for dinner. I'm sure I'm up 2 or 3 pounds from the water retention, and I prefer to hide my head in the sand until I can clean up my diet for a few days and get the excess off.

The rest of my Saturday will consist of giving the kids baths, grocery shopping, picking up the dog from the groomers (her first hair cut of the year--she was a shaggy mess), and trying to stay cool. Sunday's gonna be busy busy--first church, then lunch & a nap (for Luke and maybe the grown ups, ha), then we have a picnic at 4 p.m. and finally Vacation Bible School for the kids from 6 - 8 p.m. I'm very excited about VBS, because I'm not helping or teaching, and get to drop off both kids and have 2 hours to myself. Not just Sunday, but also Monday through Thursday.

Good times, my friends, good times.

Hope you all have a super weekend. Catch ya on the flip side.


Vickie said...

some churches around here offer the evening bible school too - sounds great for working moms. If a church didn't have air conditioning - it might help to have evening hours too.

both my girls are too old for bible school now (youngest's last year - was last summer). the middle child has been assisting in the 3 year old room for two years - now they have eliminated the 3 year old class and you have to be 4 to attend.

Vickie said...

so now she is assisting in 4 year old room. we haven't heard if the youngest child is helping yet.

Jess said...

Free stuff always holds sway over me as well.

Carly said...

Nice job on the workouts! A free t-shirt would be motivation enough for me.

Marcy said...

Alright chica!! Hey whatever gets you there, right? You'll have some ripped arms in no time!

Anonymous said...

ooooohhh, two whole hours to yourself for 5 solid nights???? Sounds like heaven to me!!! =)