Thursday, February 28, 2008

153.2 - An impromtu race and vacation plans

I got in a really strong run yesterday and kept my calories at 1800ish, so it was an on-track day. Thankfully the scale played along and I was down a pound this morning. Y'all know I was holding onto some water weight from the carb fest. It's nice to see it come off quickly. Now I just have to keep it up to get the rest of it off.

By the time I got to the gym and into my running clothes yesterday, I only had 45 minutes. So I ran a solid 4 miles in 44:04. That's pretty fast for me, especially because I didn't take extended walk breaks. I walked about 30 seconds to drink some water at 2 miles and then to catch my breath at 3 miles, but otherwise kept Tready at a 10:54 pace the entire run.

A friend of mine emailed that he's running a 5K race this Saturday and asked if I'd like to join him. I swear, it's like someone asked me to be Princess for a Day or something. I am so excited that someone thinks of ME as a runner worthy to be asked to run a race with. It's silly, I know, but I guess it's still such a new thing to have others categorize me as a Runner. He and his wife are running a 190 mile relay race in June (they will run 3 legs over a 36 hour period) and this race is part of his training. It will be a small field, so I'm a little nervous but figure I'll just do my best and hopefully PR (which means beat my only other 5K race time of 32:03).

DH has decided that he wants us to go on vacation for Spring break, which is March 24-28. I'm thinking Pensacola. It's about a 10 hour drive (which means 14 hours with 2 kids, ha), on the beach, and the Blue Angels practice there. Luke is nuts about airplanes, and it would be cool to see what he thinks of the real thing. The Blue Angels have been to Evansville twice so we know they are loud and can be scary for little kids. I'm hoping Luke will be cool with it though. He's pretty brave. Anyone been to Pensacola? Got any tips/advice? I'm not 100% sure that's where we'll go, so if you have any other beach towns on the Gulf Coast that you like, let me know. I'm thinking North Florida because it's the shortest drive we can make and still get to the beach.

In other random Sophie news... we have scheduled a sleep/awake EEG for March 21st. This is more testing the neurologist wants done for her dizzy spells. Here's the killer--we have to keep her awake from Midnight until 6:30 a.m. She can sleep up until Midnight then has to be awake, with no caffeine (I don't let her have caffeine as a rule, but she does drink chocolate milk and she can't even have chocolate). It's gonna be brutal. I'm going to research the internet to see how other parents have handled this; I'm hoping to find some inspiration and comfort, because right now I'm pretty freaked out about the whole thing. We're lucky they had an appointment available on a day she's off school (Good Friday) and right before the weekend so she can recover. Mark and I will both take Friday off to get through it with her, and I'll probably ask my mom to take Luke. At least we'll have a vacation the following week to look forward to.


Grumpy Chair said...

Girl, you are a runner! Others see you that way too. That is so cool.

We vacationed (when I was a kid) several times in Pensacola (I'm a Navy brat). I have heard good things about Destin, but haven't been there.

Man, I don't envy you having to wake up Sophie at midnight and keep her awake. I would play games like Simon says jump up and down 100 times while mommy rests her eyes for a minute . . .

Heather said...

congrats on your pound! your hard work is definitely paying off.

Marcy said...

I've been to Pensacola but it was in my early twenties and we were passing through on Spring Break, sooooo most of it is rather hazy LOL. But GC is right the beaches are pretty nice in Destin.

WHOOO HOOOO on the 5k!! You are going to do FABULOUS! ;D

Nancy said...

You are definitely a runner but that IS cool that he called you! Have fun. I'd be in heaven too!

P.O.M. said...

Whoa nelly, I can smell a PR coming for ya.

My thoughts and prayers are with your family and Sophie.

Anonymous said...

My inlaws go to Destin alot and a coworker went there last year and I believe is going there again this year. I've never been but I've heard alot about Destin.

Good luck with the EEG. You will get through it, just have a lot of games to play with her and make her think this is a really special kind of midnight party or something! You'll get through it breezily!! =)

Oh and good luck on your 5K!!

Sharla said...

I've never been to Pensacola, but we live under the navy flight path in San Diego. The Blue Angels Fly upside down right over the house-it's cool.

When my son was 3 (he's 19 now) he loved planes. Unfortunately the day of the fly over, I was all excited for him to see the jets, I went running out of the house with him...he freaked! Thought it was going to crash into us.

So, my advice would be to warn Luke that they will be very loud and close!
Have fun!